According to the theory, Obi-Wan's high ground line was in reference to his defeat of Maul. Darth Maul vs Ahsoka Tano Full Fight Star wars The Clone Wars#starwars You are indeed where you belong. I honestly think that Mauls more athletic fighting style would give Grievous a little trouble. Not sure if it matters but it says Maul at his prime. Ahsoka was in fact able to hold off Palpatine's Sith alchemy with her own force power and then cancel it out with some help from Ezra. In the Clone Wars 2003 animated series, he was shown as easily defeating 5 jedis with the jedis not even making a scratch on him. Obi wan took them both on and won didn't he? Round 1: Force Abilities only ... knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. Darth Maul was in his Physical Prime, although he would have a … Grievous also developed a personal vendetta against the Galactic Republic during the war, as the government supported to the Yam'rii. But he had to kill Fisto before Anakin arrived, and had no reason to keep him alive. If we go by their film appearances I'll give to Maul because we see him kill Qui-Gon and fight two Jedi at the same time, while Grievous runs from Ani and Obi and again runs from Obi again on Utapau. Star Wars Boss Battle with Darth Maul VS Darth Vader & General Grievous in the NEW Disney Infinity 3.0! Grievous learned battle tactics and warfare during Kalee's war against the Yam'rii of Huk. General Grievous: 4% (458) 7. He takes on 2 at once pretty well. And if we go EU? He defenitely wanted him alive, and probably enjoyed playing with him. Pretty sure Maul would just Force Grip and tear off his limbs one by one like he was plucking a fly. The canon Grievous is The Ultimate Jobber. So I initially planned on splitting up this match between several rounds, but then I realized that it was kind of unnecessary. But in the comic Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir, Issue No 4, Darth Sidious and Grievous together attack Maul and Mother Talzin. For support Grievous has his body guards, and Maul has his brother. Grievous certainly had a chance to see Sidious's face, which is barely covered with his hood. The full rules of a Scan Battle can be found here. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. top 3 or 4 most skilled Jedi of all time and a match for Vader. He outright says to Ventress, "we're outmatched.". If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. Obi wan defeated grievous but grievous arguably wasn’t at his peak. They could be cut down pretty easily I reckon. Top level comments that are found to break the rules will be removed by the moderators. Darth Maul (Maul) was a male Dathomirian Zabrak Sith Lord who served as the first apprentice of Darth Sidious. 6/10 to Maul, Going by canon they fought in the Sons of Dathomir comic and staled each other twice iirc. A skilled animal, but an animal nonetheless." In the overall battle the magnas aren’t a huge thing for mainland oppres. a fight between Vader and Maul would be close as their combat abilities are well-matched. The son of his mother and father, Grievous was a Kaleesh warlord and feared warrior from the planet Kalee. Not that I disagree with your conclusions, but I don’t think “A>B and B>C so A>C” really works here in this scenario. Random encounter on neutral ground. Both were defeated by the same man. I would say prime maul with a dark saber is above obi wan. Both characters start in a gladiator type arena 20m apart with light cover scattered around and fight bloodlusted to the death. Not to mention Kenobi beats Grievous but still loses to Maul most of the time. I would say mail is equally aggressive and brutal but has better skills plus his force powers, Grievous is extremely proficient in all 7 forms of lightsaber combat. R3- still Grievous, same as R2 I think Maul and Grievous are pretty evenly matched, but I think Maul could take him. Grand Admiral Thrawn: 6% (636) 4. Wasn't the reason GG was all coughy in the movie because a Jedi crushed him? The Vader she fought was stated by the show creators to be in his prime and unhindered by his emotions. Battle. I don't necessarily disagree with your final judgement, I just wanted to point that out. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The battle ground is Dathomir both fighters are at their absolute best and determined to kill each other. It was only Maul using the force to cave the tunnel in that saved him and Savage during the fight with Kenobi in TCW. Maul is a Sith Lord "In Name Only" with a hollow title. This was before Obi-Wan had even mastered form 3 to the degree he had in Revenge of the Sith. The son of Mother Talzin, he was trained by Sidious as a Sith assassin and became an incredibly skilled duelist. As the title says, Darth Maul (Episode 1) vs. General Grievous (Episode 3) in a battle to the death. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Essentially, my argument is that Ahsoka is on a similar level to Vader, so Maul stalemating Ahsoka is therefore an incredibly impressive feat that in my opinion is unmatched by Grievous. If we go by all canon it's probably even more of a stomp for Maul because he does some badass stuff in his comic and The Clone Wars cartoon, whereas Grievous has some pretty weak showings in TCW. I honestly couldn't say. Read them over thoroughly before commenting in this thread. General Grievous VS Darth Maul The epic battle between two fellas that both clearly underestimated Obi-Wan Kenobi. DARTH MAUL - 0:22COUNT DOOKU - 3:06GENERAL GRIEVOUS - 5:00FIGHT BREAKDOWN - 7:47Today, well we’ve got three Sith Lords going head to head! Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Though he supposedly died on Naboo at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he resurfaced years later, having survived through his sheer hatred. This and form 5 are perhaps the worst forms to fight Grievous with, because no one could possibly hope to keep up with the offensive capabilities of Grievous with offense. Is that the Quigon with Obiwan fight? So while Darth Maul is an impressive fighter, he's a really bad match up for General Grievous. hold off Palpatine's Sith alchemy with her own force power and then cancel it out with some help from Ezra. So he’s kind of in the Vader-realm, and he’s a bit severed from what he knew, which was having a master, but he’s well trained by Sidious in all types of Sith ways, not the least of which is manipulation.”. If you notice, every single parent comment was removed except for one. Sidious intended to use Maul as bait to lure Mothern Talzin, a Dathomir witchand enemy of the Sith, out of hiding so she could be destroyed. Grievous was literally built for the express purpose of killing force users. Lucas himself has, for example, explicitly stated that Anakin is a 10 skill-wise while Obi-Wan is a 9. But considering that it looks like it was with no-diff I don't understand why any other force sensitive would have trouble with Grievous at all. Shock: And General Grievous the Kaleesh demigod and commander of the droid army. Season 1 episode 2 Redneck Rowlet 2.0 Previous Guzzlord vs Dark Pit next Shock: Out of all of the foes obi Wan Kenobi's beaten these are the two ones who gave him the hardest trouble and have had robotic clawed legs.. Crossfire: Maul the Dathomirian sith trained from childhood. You can't measure someone's ability in only one metric, like your "Savage is 80% of Maul" bit. Talzin is complicated. Boba Fett: 6% (631) 6. Seemed to me obi one dismantled grevious in their light saber duel. in his prime and unhindered by his emotions. Maybe 60-40 for Grievous. Round 1: Chief starts with the Assault Rifle and a Magnum with 2 grenades, Grievous starts with 2 sabers on This scaling is further backed up by WoG as Dave Filoni said that Maul's threat level is within the same realm as Vader's. This post has been designated as a Scan Battle. You are indeed where you belong. The battle ground is Dathomir both fighters are at their absolute best and determined to kill each other. My point is, how reliable can scaling be in a versus battle compared to matchups alone? Darth Vader – 33 per cent (3422) The Emperor – 18 per cent (1897) Grand Admiral Thrawn – 6 per cent (636) Darth Maul – 6 per cent (632) Boba Fett – 6 per cent (631) General Grievous – 4 per cent (458) Greedo – 4 per cent (399) Moff Gideon – 4 per cent (381) Kylo Ren – 3 per cent (354) Grand Moff Tarkin – 3 per cent (330) However, they do briefly fight on Zanbar, but neither really gains the upperhand and Maul leaves because the battle is lost, not because Grievous defeats him. Kenobi was on the back foot for the entire duel on Mustafar, he only won because Anakin made one fatal mistake. For support Grievous has his body guards, and Maul has his brother. So while Darth Maul is an impressive fighter, he's a really bad match up for General Grievous. But who would win if the two faced each other? Maul has better chances in the shown, only Qui gon advantage I see is its size the actor (Liam Neeson) who plays Qui gon is 1.93 tall and the actor (Ray Park) who plays Darth Maul is 1.75. Remember to follow the Scan Battle rules, all your claims must be backed up my feats and evidence otherwise your comment will be removed. During the Clone Wars, Darth Maul allied himself with the Mandalorian splinter faction Death Watch as part of Maul's Shadow Collective. He had problems with Obi-Wan, and he was a more straight forward fighter. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Albeit because of his light saber form, I know not much apart from the movies, but Kenobi had no big struggle beating grevious, it was one sided. There's also how Maul killed Inquisitors in Rebels don't forget that but I'm not sure how they could be scaled. Grievous is my favorite Prequel addition and it’s because I love a character that doesn’t even exist anymore. During the movies, Mace Windu himself said that Obi-Wan was their best chance of defeating general Grievous, due to him being the greatest master of form 3 light saber combat in the universe. I have to say Maul. Reddit user u/SainttecWalker theoriezed how Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi learned about the high ground from his duel with the Sith assassin, Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. 1. Grievous has his four light sabers and Maul has his … I definitely agree with your breakdown and conclusion, except for one thing. Takes on multiple jedi with minimal effort. Maul, while being somewhat skilled in Lightsaber dueling, was described by Dooku as being "An Animal. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! CMIIW. He always came upon her while she was fighting someone else or where she was backed into a corner. One of the biggest reasons that he had trouble with Obi-Wan was Obi-Wan's fighting style, it was a perfect match against him. Obi-Wan was beating Grievous handily before the clones attacked and he fled. You're also using scaling in a very strange way. He’s not necessarily weaker or stronger than the other Jedi that went against Grievous in any of the animated series simply because he beat him, but his skill set was ideal for the situation. There are very few scans in this scan battle. Well the score was 2-1 in Maul's favour, and the 2nd one was more of an ambush. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the whowouldwin community. Darth Maul (December 2018) Obi-Wan Kenobi (January 2019) Jango Fett (January 2019) Special (January 2019) Anakin Skywalker (February 2019) Count Dooku (February 2019) Padmé Amidala (March 2019) General Grievous (March 2019) Star Wars: Age of Rebellion. He used form 7, specifically juyo, which was an extremely aggressive form of combat. Hmm, going by movies only I would lean towards Maul but he did go and beat a weaker Obi Wan. Pretty sure Sidious wasn’t going all out on Maul in that fight. It's like Naruto fans saying Itschi could beat six paths sage mode Madara because he put Naruto and Sasuke under genjutsus once. Savage Oppress has his saber as well. This is why the original clone wars cartoon version of grievous is so much better. R1- Maul all day every day. General Grievous' greatest advantage was the speed and ferocity of his strikes. Grievous never defeated Talzin. General Grievous' strength in the movies was not shown very well. Fight to the death, no morals. Darth Maul: 6% (632) 5. Maul in Rebels was able to stalemate Ahsoka, who later went toe to toe with Vader and obviously wounded him pretty badly since he was limping out of the temple at the end of the fight. Form 3 was focused on defense above all else, and relied on counters to attack the opponent. 8/10 to Grievous. The full rules of a Scan Battle can be found here. But I suppose it was Obi wan who did that in the first place. 3) Count Dooku. Grievous has his four light sabers and Maul has his dual saber as well as the dark saber to switch with. But Maul is also a Sith, and technically because of Talzin’s magic Savage is a Sith as well, and Grievous is just an asthmatic cyborg. Edit: it was Windu, you guys are right. After Grievous shoot & killed Nahdar Vebb, Kit Fisto picked up his lightsaber & fought Grievous with Jar’Kai to the point that Grievous was having a hard time with him. Ventress defeated him on Dathomir in a head-to-head brawl, and I think Maul could do the same. Sidious also wanted to learn more … To be fair Kit Fisto could have beaten Grievous if it weren’t for his guards. I wouldn’t say that Grievous killing Talzin is a notable feat since Talzin was holding off both Sidious and Dooku while he just stabs her, also didn’t Maul beat Grievous in previous issue of SoD? My stupidly long Reddit post: ... Darth Maul. Maul has a great shot with his alchemical legs, his feats with them are as good as any of Grievous' unless I'm mistaken. General Grievous was the Supreme Commander of the Armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. Maul, the Dathomirian Zabrak male who would become the feared Darth Maul, was born on Dathomir to Kycina, a Human Nightsister of Mother Talzin's coven and a Zabrak father who, by tradition, was murdered after Maul's conception. Darth Maul wasn't overly powerful in the force, … I would not say that Maul is significantly above Fisto, not in canon anyway. Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Qui gon Jin and Mace Windu VS General Grievous, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and Chancellor Palpatin. So it's Darth Maul vs General Grievous from Star Wars. So if Dooku can beat Obi, then the scaling logic would follow that Anakin can beat Obi. Press J to jump to the feed. Talzin was fighting Sidious and Dooku when Grievous finished her off. As for the fight, I’d say Maul due to the Force. Grievous was good but he wasn’t Maul good. However, Maul also had a long career as a Jedi-killer and assassin. Grievous during the clone wars had been battle hardened, trained in saber combat under Darth Tyranus himself (he was trained as a Jedi slayer) and had all the capabilities and advantages of his mechanical body. I don’t think Talzin was very strong when it came to combat. He first appeared in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace , where he was ordered by his master to capture Queen Amidala of Naboo in order for her to sign a treaty that would legalize the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet. She was strong in force sorcery, but at the first sign of trouble she hid in a concealed cave and when she was found by Grievous she turned herself into mist to escape. And a Light Side Jedi might have qualms about using crush all the way to kill rather than just wounding him. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend. We ignore that, Grievous was a Dathomirian Zabrak and the apprentice of Darth Sidious it guide.... Vader & General Grievous: 4 % ( 636 ) 4 their light saber duel Talzin was very when. Our Services or clicking I agree, you guys are right the original Clone Wars starwars... Type arena 20m apart with light cover scattered around and fight bloodlusted to the theory Obi-Wan. Seemed to me Obi one dismantled grevious in their light saber duel and Talzin the! When a versus battle compared to matchups alone Savage Opress at the of! Stupidly long Reddit post:... Darth Maul is significantly above Fisto not. 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