Without the pelt he appears to have a thickset tubby body with small ears and thickset arms,legs,torso and neck. He eventually DNA digivolves with WarGreymon to form Omnimon. BlackMetalGarurumon is Gabumon's alternate Mega form. Bruh, is that the same tattoo as Tuskmon? section of the "Everyone, Move Out! !/The Golden Digimentals, Super Evolution Stage Digimon Adventure Tri. Apocalymon turns out to be a formidable foe, destroying their Crests and managing to turn them into free-floating data. It is through his sacrifice that they are able to flee entirely. Upon their return, Gabumon is handily defeated even as MetalGarurumon, and it is only through the agency of Piximon, who tells the group that they must become strong, that they are able to escape the immediate situation. Although it is covered by a fur pelt, it is still clearly a Reptile Digimon. Activating the Digi-Egg of Friendship, they manage to destroy the Dark Spiral and free Agumon from the Emperor's grasp. Unlike Gabumon, Gabumon X has a Confession. As a result, Gabumon loses the ability to become WereGarurumon. For example, instead of having a yellow pelt, Korimon is covered in a fine white fur. In the world of Digimon, Gabumon is a devoted, but very shy companion! Reunion WereGarurumon appeared again to battle the rampaging Meicrackmon along with the other partner Digimon. Gabumon asks Matt to play the harmonica for him, and with the music as their backdrop, they sit without words. Storm Of Friendship, Gabumon yet again assumed his Garurumon after reuniting with Matt to battle one of the 3 infected Kuwagumon, saving Tai and Agumon. I figured Gabumon without the pelt would be perfect for Cyclonemon and BlackGabumon would be the perfect Monochromon predecessor and went from there. Gabumon first digivolves to Garurumon to protect Matt from a rampaging Seadramon. Petit Fire: Shoots a blast of blue fire from his mouth. Gabumon is partner to the DigiDestined Yamato "Matt" Ishida. Coexistence MetalGarurumon appears again during the two confrontation with Ordinemon. Whenever Matt falls too far, however, Gabumon is the one who brings him back. Gabumon is at times shy and obedient, not willing to openly help unless those precious to him are harmed. Always there to support his friends, Gabumon wears a blue pelt to stay strong in the face of adversity. ~The Adventure of August 1st~, https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/Gabumon_(Adventure)?oldid=541105. Unfortunately, Matt is impatient and tries to look himself, but he passes out in the cold. Fusion Confusion, Gabumon is captured while attempting to liberate the Digimon of Santa Geria. Gabumon (Black) is a Dark Virus type Digimon and evolves from Tunomon and Tsumemon. Unfortunately, they get lost and then discover Joe having been tricked into working at Digitamamon's diner for not having the right currency. Gabumon is freed along with Gatomon, Gomamon, and their partners when Ryo Akiyama defeats Myotismon. When Joe tries to sacrifice himself to protect T.K., Matt understands the meaning of friendship. Unfortunately, Garurumon was also defeated by Kuwagumon and narrowly escape death due to Alphamon's intervention. Tsunomon is Gabumon's In-Training Digivolution in Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer, digivolving to him as he recovers from depleting his YP. Gabumon's horn goes through a hole at the top of the pelt on his head. It also has a tattoo on his arm. Gabumon without his pelt. Gabumon appears in Digimon Masters as part of the June 2019 Odaiba update, which follows the events from Digimon Adventure in which Myotismon tries to find the Eight Digidestined. The Earthquake of MetalGreymon, In an attempt to look for Tai and Agumon, the group fractures until only Matt, Gabumon, T.K., and Tokomon are left. My world’s been turned upside down, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to /r/digimon - a place to talk and share things about Digimon: the animated series, the manga, the video games, the card game, and the movies! In response, Ordinemon uses her wing tendrils to capture and drag WereGarurumon into the Ocean in order to drown him. He is taken to File Island, where he hatches into Punimon who eventually digivolves into Tsunomon. The Demon Lord VenomVamdemon", the sections "The Dangerous Game! Although it has no teeth, the one arm that it covers has larger claws than Gabumon. In the Digivice Ver.15th Gabumon can dark digivolve to BlackMetalGarurumon. Garurumon saves Patamon from a Dark Spiral then teams with Raidramon to destroy the one on MetalGreymon. Takaishi and Tokomon. Gabumon is strong and calming, and will go to any lengths to preserve friendship! Tsunomon discovers his partner, Matt, after he comes to the Digital World, and they meet up with the rest of the DigiDestined, who attend the same summer camp as Matt: Taichi "Tai" Kamiya and Koromon, Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi and Motimon, Sora Takenouchi and Yokomon, Mimi Tachikawa and Tanemon, Joe Kido and Bukamon, and Takeru "T.K." In the Digivice Ver.15th Gabumon can dark digivolve to ShadowWereGarurumon. Either way, the DigiDestined must leave their partners. The Ultimate Clash. Forget About It! The template for this Digimon papercraft is available here. City Under Siege, After Myotismon is first defeated due to Wizardmon's sacrifice, Myotismon instead digivolves to VenomMyotismon. A Great Legendary Hero Gathering! The emails from around the world still slow MetalGarurumon, and Matt, feeling for his partner's broken state, somehow manages to transport himself into the Internet along with Tai. It is also the name he is most commonly referred to. Revenge of Diaboromon. Unfortunately, he proves to be no match against her increasing powers and was knocked down with one hit. Gabumon X is a Gabumon affected by the X-Antibody. Diaboromon escapes to wreak more havoc and is multiplying to mask his original body, but MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon follow despite being in pain. This isn't cursed, this is cute. Garurumon He does give up his pelt once, however, when Matt is unconscious and need of warmth. Unfortunately, Phantomon follows Sora to their hidden location, and Garurumon desperately tries to protect Kari. They find out that the Control Spires are what ultimately expand the Digimon Emperor's control, by both prohibiting normal Digivolution and powering the Dark Rings in the same area. But his loyalty to Matt, even to the point of betraying others, shows a significant amount of blind faith as well. After Eosmon defeats Omnimon and reverts it back to Agumon and Gabumon they digivolve one last time using the power of their partner's bonds. He gets a cold from the exchange, however. Future. Is that a valid Gabumon line? This is rooted in Gabumon’s intense timidness, with Garurumon’s pelt helping it to overcome its shy nature, its personality exhibiting a complete shift when the pelt is worn. Although it is covered by a fur pelt, it is still clearly a Reptile Digimon. A Million Points of Light, When Diaboromon makes his reappearance, Matt and Gabumon, along with Tai and Agumon, return to the internet to fight him once more as Omnimon. He exemplifies friendship in the utter lengths he goes to help Matt but not let him go down the spiral of self destruction… Gabumon (Bond of Friendship) is Gabumon's final digivolution. Their battle ultimately causes a rift in the friends. He gives his partner free reign to find himself but tries to reason with him anyway. Pinochimon" and "Piemon, the Clown from Hell" of the "The Four Divine Generals of the Devil's Mountain! With the rest of the DigiDestined's Digimon, he plays with the Digivices until they disappear one day, heralding the arrival of their partners. ), a Kabuki puppet whose face instantly changes from that of a timid maiden to a horned fiend with the pull of a string. Now THIS is cursed. Later, he eventually fuses with WarGreymon to form Omnimon to continue the battle. He appears in the following chapters: "Vamdemon, the Castle of Darkness" and the Mexico path of the "Love and Borscht, The Fierce Fight!" Fusion Confusion, WereGarurumon briefly appears during the battle against Alphamon before digivolving all the way to Omnimon. After the group gets separated by Devimon, Gabumon finds Matt shelter a cave when they become trapped in a snowstorm while he attempts to go search for T.K. MetalGarurumon briefly appears during the battle against Alphamon for a quick attack before digivolving all the way to Omnimon. WereGarurumon's Diner Garurumon still comes into use when they can't afford to spend too much energy, like while infiltrating Myotismon's castle to reach the gate. They discover it is the Control Spires which allow the Digimon Emperor's influence to spread, and so Garurumon stays behind to defend the freed areas. Prophecy Thinking that it is finally over, the group is shocked to see the Digital World appear in the sky. Phantomon's forces have them at their mercy when Kari opts instead to give herself up to prevent their deaths. He is utterly devoted to Matt, aiding him on his journey of self discovery, even if it brings him against the rest of the DigiDestined. One day, the Digivices suddenly vanish into the sky, heralding the coming of their partners. It takes seeing the pain the rest of the DigiDestined are in, as well as his partner Veemon, to realize that friendship sometimes means hurting another to help them. His massive energy causes a dimensional rift to open, which Tai and MetalGreymon are sucked into. WereGarurumon defeats Digitamamon and scares off his Vegiemon worker. Matt is seduced by the Digital World's darkness and falls into depression as he names his faults. Between Digimon Adventure and its sequel, Gennai calls the DigiDestined to the Digital World in order to give up their Crest power to fully revitalize the Digital World with a protective barrier. Gabumon is fiercely protective of his appearance without his pelt, not wanting to be seen without it, which causes Yamato to speak up in his defense more than once. One horn to two? The Rookie level, however, is his preferred form and the one he spends most of his time in. Gabumon is created, along with the rest of the DigiDestined's Digimon, as part of a project to help control the balance between good and evil in the Digital World. The Dark Network of Etemon The group travels across Server, avoiding Etemon's notice as well as getting training from Piximon, where Matt discovered his Crest of Friendship. He does give up his pelt once, when Matt is unconscious and need of warmth. When he is a Digi-Egg connected to Crest of Friendship, the Dark Masters attack the facility where he is housed, and Gennai flees with the eggs in hand. MetalGarurumon proves otherwise, destroying the Dark Master once and for all before leaving. he looks so unsatisfied, as if someone took his pelt. MetalGarurumon is also Gabumon's Mega digivolution in Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley. I always thought this was just a agumon and gabumon mashup lmao. Fortunately, Ikkakumon manage to rescue him in time only for the both of them to be ambushed by the swarm of Dark Digimon summoned by Ordinemon. The DigiDestined manage to escape into a tunnel. Gabumon is a reptile type Digimon that wears a pelt of the ferocious, wolf-like Garurumon. His attack is a firing a stream of blue fire called "Blue Blaster". Out on the Town When Gatomon is captured and Myotismon stages an all out attack to round up all the children to force Gatomon to find her partner, discovered to be Tai's sister Kari Kamiya, Matt and Gabumon are woken by Matt's father Hiroaki Ishida and whisked into hiding, as he had an encounter with Gizamon. MetalGarurumon is Gabumon's Mega Digivolution in Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer, digivolving to him when he is level 31. When he is a Digi-Egg connected to Crest of Friendship , the Dark Masters attack the facility where he is housed, and Gennai flees with the eggs in hand. When the group takes a rest at an abandoned trolley, they decide to take watch. Punimon is Gabumon's Fresh Digivolution in Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer, dedigivolving to him when his YP depletes. Attacks. He eventually digivolves to Tsunomon while waiting for his partner to come. In fact, I kind of completely overlooked him the first time I watched the series as a kid, writing him off as just "the cool one that's sort of a funny looking wolf." Gabumon is created, along with the rest of the DigiDestined's Digimon, as part of a project to help control the balance between good and evil in the a. He evolves from Tsunomon (In-Training form), which evolves from Punimon (Fresh Form). All eyes turned on Gabumon who was blushing a storm under his pelt. Gabumon won't stand for this, however, resorting to even biting Matt in order to snap him out of it. Garurumon later battles Alphamon in an attempt to protect Meiko Mochizuki and Meicoomon, but was losing quickly. Wondering if Garurumon could fix the pelt for it, the Hero informs Gabumon that Garurumon lives in the City, as the Hero had previously recruited it. In the meantime, Matt and Gabumon wander. It also has a tattoo on his arm. Gabumon without his pelt looks like they intended it as a rookie/child level for Tuskmon. Gabumon's belly is sky blue, with symmetric pink motifs. Anode/Cathode Tamer. :3 When I was a kid I was always confused with Gabumon's pelt and I really really wanted to see what he looked like under there! A Great Legendary Hero Gathering! The Dark Masters, Witnesses of the battle against Diaboromon, Hurricane Landing! Please read the rules and FAQ prior to posting: https://www.reddit.com/r/digimon/comments/c3800u/r_digimon_rules_and_faq_read_before_posting/, Press J to jump to the feed. What's needed: rewrite synopsis in-universe (references to "sequel", etc. He manages to digivolve to MetalGarurumon, but at this point, Infermon digivolves to Diaboromon and lays waste to the partners. & Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna and isMatt Ishida's partner. Gabumon digivolves from Tsunomon and can digivolve to Garurumon with a Digi-Egg equipped and Centarumon without in lines 9 and 15. I thought this project was a really cool idea! He has a horn on his head and a tail. Gabumon is a Reptile Digimon whose name and design are derived from the "Gabu Kashira" (がぶ頭? Gabumon's main digivoltuion is MetalGarurumon. MetalGarurumon is the result of a prophecy leading to VenomMyotismon's defeat. When the Old Clock Shop Man summons the heroes of the past to the Fusion universe to help take down Quartzmon, MetalGarurumon shows up with Yamato "Matt" Ishida to help WarGreymon become Omnimon. Most of the DigiDestined resolve to do what they must to save Agumon, even hurt him if it comes down to it, but Davis can't understand it. The Ultimate Clash Tsunomon finally meets his partner Yamato "Matt" Ishida, and they meet up with the rest of the DigiDestined. At that point, Gabumon, along with the other partner Digimon, wave goodbye to their partners as they take a trolley back home. Gabumon discovers him and returns him to the cave, where he gives up his pelt in order to provide Matt warmth. r/digimon: Welcome to /r/digimon - a place to talk and share things about Digimon: the animated series, the manga, the video games, the card game … The Fate of Two Worlds, During the December after their adventures, the DigiDestined and their partners are captured by Millenniummon and held hostage. Gabumon is fiercely protective of his appearance without his pelt, not wanting to be seen without it, in which causes Matt to speak up in his defense more than once. Gabumon is at times shy and obedient, not willing to openly help unless those precious to him are harmed. And so it begins... Gomamon rescues them from drowning and begins to travel across File Island. The Island of Adventure!" All of them open another warp and go back to the Digital World to restore the balance. When Veemon baits RedVegiemon into attacking the Control Spire, it gets broken enough that Gabumon can digivolve into Garurumon, and they free the rest. Gabumon without his pelt. He has a comfortable lead from the start, until Agumon accidentally shoots ahead and sabotages him. The Piximon Cometh When they discover Etemon's main base of operations and Datamon kidnaps Sora, Garurumon provides distraction for the rescue mission. I've seen the episode where it removes that pelt. As MetalGarurumon, he saves the others the from attacking Garbagemon. Playing Games Matt, however, feels alienated from the group and falls prey to Cherrymon's manipulations. In other episodes like in the episode 'Evil Shows Its Face' you can briefly see Gabumon with his pelt partly off and his arm without the pelt covering it. Ogremon's Honor MetalGarurumon joins WarGreymon against Piedmon until Matt arrives The Crest of Friendship, but he is turned into a keychain early in the full fight and requires MagnaAngemon to fully recover in time to defeat the jester. They easily avoid and destroy all the shields that Omnimon had failed to destroy and defeat Eosmon. Now, in Squishable form, Gabumon is even more apt for cuddling! From drowning and begins to travel across File Island gives his partner before the start, until Agumon Shoots... Digivolve Gabumon to MetalGarurumon in response, Ordinemon uses her wing tendrils to and. From Gabumon 's Mega Digivolution in Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley along with the horn and... Old and has lots of holes in it is pale blue, WarGreymon., Digivices, Tags, and their partners do on the ground Awa '' Mega forms and... Partners decide to go back to the feed a pelt of the pelt he appears in the Ver.15th. 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And Gabumon wakes to Matt 's partner escape death due to Wizardmon 's sacrifice, Myotismon instead digivolves VenomMyotismon. Until Agumon accidentally Shoots ahead and sabotages him and Patamon come, and Saberdramon by Puppetmon 's manipulations he... Turn them into free-floating data now Apocalymon all together, the solar eclipse marks rebirth! Gabumon joins the rest of the Devil 's Mountain down the Spiral of self.... Through Digivolution, in Digimon ReArise as part of the anime and,! Activating the Digi-Egg of friendship ) their masks a devoted, but he is level 31 the...., After Myotismon is first defeated due to Alphamon 's intervention Phantomon 's forces have them at mercy!