Like vajra, the Vajrasana makes our body strong internally. Certainly you could practice those both types of practice on your preference simultaneously. 1. If you also have a stomach problem, then surely your mind will not be engaged in any work. It helps relieve from sciatica, nerve issues and indigestion. It is the only asana which you can do after having your meal. Practicing Vajrasana immediately after a heavy meal prevents gastric trouble and helps alleviate the condition of constipation. Vajrasana is only one Asana which can be done after meal. Close your eyes (optional) and focus on breath observing inhalation and exhalation. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts. Close your eyes and try to calm the mind and take deep breaths. In this case, they complain of pain in the legs. amzn_assoc_linkid = "0ac7beb0624210467d10c774e0b3cf7e"; Vajrasana. To release the asana, remove the hands from the knees and return them to your sides. However, you should be in this posture during eating. In fact, it is more effective if performed immediately after a meal. The asana helps the digestive system to improve....of nervous issues and sciatica. Vajrasana strengthens the muscles of the feet. Vajra means thunderbolt or diamond. Calmness and stability of mind along with relaxed nerves is gained through meditation and concentration. 13 Benefits of Vajrasana… By. This asana strengthens the digestive and excretory system. You can safely perform this asana after a meal. This is the only asana you can do immediately after meal, ideally you should do this asana everyday for 10 minutes after lunch or dinner. Slow and rhythmic breathing in this position can help you go into the meditative state very easily. In cases of acute digestive disorder, do vegans for 100 breaths before and after meals. If you want to keep the stomach thin, then do Vajrasana after eating food regularly. Vajrasana is a simple and very effective asana. "When you … 3. Go back to balancing on your toes (as in step 2 mentioned above). The calf muscles are many a time known as the second heart of the body. Those people must do this posture. Thousands of physical problems arise due to poor food and drink in the modern era. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; The method of sitting in it is slightly different. Vajrasana is a kneeling pose, and it takes its name from the Sanskrit word Vajra (वज्), which means diamond or thunderbolt. Maintain the asana, breathing normally. In Vajrasana the body becomes upright and straight with no effort. Sit over the heels – your buttocks should sit on the heels and thighs on the calf muscles. I have trouble being in that asana for long. “Remember: releasing the pose is as important as going into the pose.”. If food is not digested in the stomach and the stomach is constantly coming out, then perform Vajrasana. Normally any kind of exercise or yoga is usually not performed immediately after having meals. But, Vajrasana can be performed any time you want. Backed by science, Ayurveda, and mothers all over India--vajrasana can aid digestion, relieve constipation, and banish other tummy troubles. Should not perform after having meal. Vajra in Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), is the name of a major nadi (pranic channel) which is directly connected with the genito-urinary system. After knowing the one-by-one procedure, you could choose which one you will try it first. Here, it contradicted with other yoga poses. Today I will tell you the complete method of Vajrasana benefits and precautions, I will also show how Vajrasana works after eating food.=====This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative … Apart from these benefits, there are some precautions which … amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Vajrasana is for those people who are, in some way dissatisfied, feeling that life isn’t enough and are open to change. The practice of Vajrasana stimulates beneficially the point (KANDA) where the 72000 NADIS of being come from. This pose promotes proper digestion. Vajrasana also helps us to get rid of flatulence (gas) and acidity. Don’t worry, it’s safe and FREE! This position can be practiced even immediately after meals. Vajrasana should be practiced for five or ten minutes after meals because it is a very relaxing position, conducive to a calm mind and body and thereby stimulates the digestive processes working in the stomach. The blood flow to the legs is reduced and the blood flow to the digestive organs is increased. Follow up poses associated with Vajrasana. Regular practice of this asana improves our immunity and we become less susceptible to various diseases. Your stomach will not come out. thank you ..I am going to try it!!oooooooommmmmm…. Vajrasana increases gastritis. Do not do Vajrasana, whose knees are weak, those who have arthritis or who have any disease related to bones. If you want, you can do Vajrasana comfortably while watching a movie or even listening to the music. Practicing vajrasana 10 minutes after a meal can cure inflammatory bowel disease. Pregnant girls or undergoing menstruation cycle or if having knee injuries or surgery, ought to avoid Supta Vajrasana. What are the benefits of Vajrasana?After taking food, only one yougasana Vajrasana can be done and the only pranayama ujjai pranayama can be done. The word asana translates as ‘pose’. How yoga asana is beneficial to prevent covid. Also, the diamond pose (Vajrasana) is very beneficial in curing the problem of varicose veins. 2. Vajrasana helped me overcome my bloated stomach after a meal Last night, I had a bloated stomach again. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; To perform Vajrasana, bend your two legs backward and sit on your knees. Asana ... but this asana is one of the few exceptions. Vajrasana is usually of two types. can I share this? According to Hindu puranas / ancient scriptures, vajra was described as the weapon of Indra (the King of Gods) and it is considered as the strongest among all other weapons. Step 2: Bend your left leg and bring the foot to the left buttock. Place the palms of your hands on the knees or near your pelvis region on one another as shown in the figure. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; Step 3: Shift the weight forward, straighten out the toes, and bring your knees to the ground. Keeping the neck straight, keep the mouth in front. Doing so regularly will give you all the above benefits. Your email address will not be published. While most yoga poses are supposed to perform on an empty stomach, Vajrasana can practice immediately after meals. Vajrasana is an easy, beginner level sitting pose, in which we kneel and balance our body on lower knees, shins, and feet. Some of the yogic scriptures go to claim that one should consume their meals while sitting in Vajrasana to help in digestion. But, Vajrasana is one of the few exceptions. It takes the pressure off the feet and ankles. Word Vajrasana is a combination of two words, Vajra and Asana. We all know that Allopathy holds asthma an incurable disease but did you know that it can Asanas for Constipation : relieve gas, cramping and bloating. Keep both hands above the knees or in the lap in meditation posture. It is considered to be more effective to perform this yoga after a meal as it … Doing for at least 5 minutes after meals help to enhance the digestive function. This asana has a wide range of benefits from making your body internally strong to getting into the ultimate meditative state. According to yogacharya Mr. Anoop, vajrasana stimulates the vajra nadi which facilitates good digestion. It works by digesting food and giving energy to our body. Kneel down with lower legs stretched straight backwards and toes crossing each other. Not to practice in case of high blood pressure and slipped disc. For that, many yoga practitioners perform this yoga perform this posture with their stomach full or just after a meal. I like the pillow option. Makarasana; Shavasana; Balasana; Tips for performing Vajrasana. Normally, Asanas should be performed on an empty stomach. Vajrasana gives immense benefits to these youth. Step 4: Keeping toes together, part just your heels apart and sit between your heels. 4. Recommended Articles :- I’m not sure why. The benefit of Vajrasana done for 5-7 minutes is equivalent to a long walking exercise. Those having gas problems should perform this asana, immediately after a meal. Vajrasana: A Unique Yoga Pose (to be done after meals) Vajrasana yoga for digestion. Vajrasana: A Unique Yoga Pose (to be done after meals), ‘Like’ our Facebook Page by visiting here –, If you want to get notified by email – enter your email in the subscribe section here on this page. Vajrasana offers a context within which to communicate the teachings of the Buddha, offering an integrated vision and a practical path of transformation, not just a … Only 10 minutes of Vajrasana, after each meal, are enough to accelerate your digestion. Vajrasana also helps in getting rid of muscle and joint related deformities and diseases. It provides relief from sciatic pain. May 15, 2017 / Chandra Yoga International / 1 Comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It ensures better absorption of nutrients by our body. Will return to see future writing from you! Along with profound breaths Vajrasana secures an excellent and very easy digestion. One can perform this asana just after having a meal. We all know that we should not do any exercise or Yoga immediately after having food. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; This is the only one asana that you can perform after your meals. Or you can sit in this posture even while gossiping with your family. It strengthens the sexual organs, tones lower body muscles (hips, thighs, calves), cures joint pains, urinary problems, etc. But there is one asana (yoga pose) which you can do after having food, and it will actually help your digestion! It is one of the easiest asan but its benefits are many…. The yoga vajrasana is the useful yoga for flat stomach and slim thighs, yoga to reduce thighs in 2 weeks. It could be that lately I haven’t been going to the toilet regularly. Other than that, there is a few more things you have to know in doing Vajrasana. The second type of Vajrasana is called Suptavajrasana. Today’s generation most of the time do sitting or standing jobs. : This is new to me. Vajrasana alters the blood flow in the lower pelvic region. Regular practice strengthens the digestive system and keeps acidity, indigestion, bloating, constipation at bay. I don’t really have a healthy digestive systemj you see. But it is good to perform Vajrasana after meals since it helps indigestion. Also our blood circulation is better. Yoga claims that Vajrasana, one of the classical meditative postures can aid in regulating your digestive system, in the most effective manner, when performed for 15 minutes immediately after the meal. By controlling the Vajra Nadi, the mind is able to control the sexual energy. In addition to its role in digestion, vajrasana is the best meditation position for those suffering from sciatica, and its other health benefits include: Relieving the symptoms of sciatica and other nerve issues. Required fields are marked *. Sit straight with head facing forward and hands on your knees. In Vajrasana, if there is more stretch and tension in the feet or ankles, then sit with both legs spread in front and move the feet alternately down above the knee. Keep waist, back and shoulders straight. Vajrasana is a Sanskrit word where vajra is thunderbolt and asana is posture.A thunderbolt pose or a diamond pose is a meditating posture and the only asana performed after a meal. Yoga Asana After Meals | Vajrasana Yoga"Watch Yoga After Meals | Vajrasana YogaStay Connected with #fame on:Vajrasana makes the body exceptionally strong and healthy You will see reduction in your belly fat after a few weeks of regular practice of Vajrasana. But, this is one of the few yoga asanas, which can be performed after meals. Many yoga practitioners prefer to perform this yoga with their stomach full or just after a meal as this asana aids digestion. admin - Vajrasana after meal Therapeutic Yoga Asanas, Vajrasana And Its Benefits. But, this Vajrasana can be performed at any time even just after having a meal. This entry gives so much more info than other people, and it’s very helpful to me. Yoga Videos; Yoga Asana After Meals | Vajrasana Yoga. We don't spam, and it's FREE! amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; 5. How is Vajrasana done after meals? amzn_assoc_asins = "B01C45GDVI,B01HD69004,B01CILQP2K,B0140YKLXW"; If you want to get notifications about our new posts on Ayurveda, Spirituality, Yoga, Healthy Living, Tips, etc. One of the most important facts about this asana is that it aid digestion (discussed earlier). It is one of few asana that can be practiced on a full stomach and is traditionally believed to be most effective directly after a meal. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; Beginners can take support of a pillow or rolled cloth below the ankle and knee if you find it hard to stretch. Yoga is single most potent and quintessential forms of soft exercise that facilitate spiritual unification connecting mind, body, and soul. It’s not dull when you discuss it.. out of every blog about this, yours is the best. It affects the stomach the most, causing serious diseases. Do Vajrasana as much as you can. It is generally believed that Yogasan should be done only after 4 hours of eating food. Especially those who feel heaviness in the stomach immediately after eating food, sour belching or the stomach is not properly cleaned in the morning. Regular practice of Vajrasana for a few minutes post meals is a great way to help the digestive system. Vajrasana is a sitting posture and can be used for meditation and prayer. Your email address will not be published. Vajrasana is one of the exception where it is found to be effective after the meal. Straighten the left leg first then Straighten the right leg and lower the buttocks to the ground returning to sitting position (as in step 1 mentioned above). There is only one asana (yoga pose) which you can do after having food, and it will actually help digestion! Losing weight becomes possible with regular practice of Vajrasana. This asana smoothens the whole body, especially the lower body, in such a way that, a deep sensation of relief and calmness arises in the body. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "wholesomeay0a-20"; Vajra had both, the indestructible nature of a diamond and the irresistible force of a thunderbolt. Vajrasana helps better blood circulation in the body. Practice this position for 5 – 10 minutes in initial days and increase gradually up to 20 – 30 minutes. It is also helpful in maintaining the digestive system and maintaining the figure. Initially, one may find it difficult to withstand the pose due to the intense stretch it gives to your legs and thighs but with time you may even go on till 20 minutes at a stretch. Holding this asana stretches the following muscles of your body. This increases the efficiency of the digestive system and helps those with weak digestion to digest a meal easily. It modifies the blood flow by reducing the blood flow in lower portion, especially in the legs and increasing blood flow to the upper parts of the body including digestive organs, heart, lungs and brain. Before doing any yogic activities ask the … Vajrasana does not cause stomach problems and gas related problems. Also, this Vajrasana yoga after meal can perform for reducing menstrual problems, belly fat etc. Take Vajrasana for as long as possible – Make this easy for at least 5 minutes to increase the digestion process, especially after the meal immediately. Have trouble being in that asana for long t really have a healthy digestive systemj you see helps from... Support of a pillow or rolled cloth below the ankle and knee if you want you! Unique yoga pose ( Vajrasana ) is very beneficial in curing the of. – ‘ like ’ us on Facebook strengthens the digestive function is such a yoga, which can... 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