4 Xylitol has been found to increase the activity of white blood cells involved in fighting bacteria and thus may help build immunity, protect against chronic degenerative disease and have anti-aging benefits. New evidence presented in the Journal of Periodontology suggests that xylitol, a sugar alcohol often found in sugar-free gum, inhibits the inflammatory response to one of the most virulent oral pathogens, P. gingivalis.. Xylitol is well known as an anti-caries agent. Trial registration number NCT02310308 Keywords Dentalcaries .Preventivemedicine .Xylitol . Gum Disease Treatment: 100% XYLITOL Pastilles - With Multivitamin & Zinc. Ear Infections The same bacteria that can build up in the mouth and cause tooth decay, leading to cavities and disease like gingivitis , can also accumulate behind the ears, causing an ear infection known as acute otitis media (AOM). We know that diet plays a major role in dental health and that too much sugar causes tooth decay and periodontal disease. Chewing gum may make the best xylitol delivery system. Plaque Bacteria cannot use 5 carbon sweeteners as fuel and starve. Historically in caries studies, xylitol has been delivered via chewing gum.48,49 However, even though delivery of xylitol via gum appears to be effective in reducing this specific disease,50 the delivery is inefficient as the xylitol is quickly released and swallowed, lasting no more than 15 minutes. It has even been proven to treat and prevent ear infections and keep the nasal passage clear of bacteria, allergens, and other contaminants. If you dislike water, and have bad gums, try adding one teaspoons of xylitol into water and sip this, in place of soda, for a week. Each mint contains 500mg xylitol. In fact, a large percentage of studies that have evaluated its effectiveness in preventing tooth decay have chosen this method as their delivery mechanism. • Xylitol’s molecular structure slows the growth of S. mutans on the tooth surfaces, stops the production of tooth decay-causing acid and neutralizes the pH level in saliva and plaque. If you’re concerned about its negative effects, you may want to use other natural sweeteners like stevia, raw honey, dates, coconut nectar, coconut sugar and maple syrup. When it comes to a healthy mouth, creating a balance of good and bad bacteria and pH control is what helps to control cavities and heal problems. Xylitol assists in preventing bacteria build up in the gums. Products containing this natural sweetener may also cost … Until recently, however, few studies have examined xylitol in the context of preventing and treating periodontal disease. Reverse Gum Disease with WELTIP. Dentists recommend using xylitol-sweetened chewing gum as countless studies have confirmed that xylitol boosts dental health and helps to prevent tooth decay. Gum disease affects more than half of all Americans over 30 years old. Inhibits the growth of the cavity causing bacteria. CHILDREN APPLIED INSIDE THE MOUTH : For cavities : A wide range of doses has been used in children 5 years and older. Gum can be an excellent way to create your daily needed exposure of xylitol. • Consumption of xylitol has been shown to reduce tooth decay and the incidence of gum disease. Dental caries is a pandemic infectious disease which can affect the quality of life and consumes considerable health care resources. Xylitol helps to decrease the bacterial load especially with streptococcus mutans and H. pylori, the bacterium primarily responsible for causing dental caries (decay) and gastric ulcers, respectively. It is recommended that xylitol gum be chewed for 10-20 minutes after meals. Research conducted by giving xylitol and sorbitol in the form of syrup in a number of children aged 9 to 15 years, has proven that xylitol is beneficial to maintain healthy gums and prevent porous teeth. Whether it’s in chewing gum or mouthwash, xylitol offers a strong defense against cavities when combined with regular oral care. Xylitol is widely available in most supermarkets, but know that it's difficult to achieve the correct dosing. You should never experience sensitive gums. It damages the bone and connective tissue that supports the teeth. The chewing of xylitol, sorbitol, and even sugar gum has been suggested to reduce caries rates. Saliva is important as it helps with cleaning and protecting teeth from decay. Along with its other known health benefits, regular Xylitol consumption improves periodontal disease by decreasing inflammation. Unlike sugar and many of other substitutes, xylitol has been clinically proven to benefit the mouth by preventing cavities and reducing the onset of gum disease. Xylitol is seen to have promising dental benefits. Apples and Raw Vegetables are the best natural treatment for gum disease.. Wild-caught fish – Mackerel, Salmon, and Sardines are rich omega-3s. Periodontal disease is caused by three or more presumed disease-causing periodontal pathogens. A study in the journal Arch Pediatric Adolesc Medical has proven that. When pockets around the tooth become 4mm … Finally a form of sugar that is actually good for your teeth! Chewing gum of xylitol – Xylitol is called sugar alcohol which is used as a sweetener in chewing gums. Chewing xylitol gum for 3 weeks or more provides not only short but also long-term reductions in S. mutans levels! Chewing xylitol gum also can increase saliva production, which further aids the fight against tooth decay and gum disease by washing away any plaque bacteria and restoring a healthy pH in the mouth. Buy Xylitol … Dental caries is a pandemic infectious disease which can affect the quality of life and consumes considerable health care resources. Xylitol is found in fibrous vegetables … A large part of the information on the use of xylitol powder for fighting tooth decay and healing gum disease presented by Healing Teeth Naturally on this and the related pages are owed to an extraordinary German dentist, Dr Ulrich Bruhn, who has done ground-breaking work in this area. If you have Gum Disease your mouth is Acidic. Xylitol is now found in gums and mints as the chewing process itself is another way to reduce the incidence of tooth decay and the incidence of gum disease. Prevents plaque and cavities. by Art Solbrig Published October 30, 2020 Updated November 07. Rinsing mouth and brushing teeth with xylitol... can halt cavities and cure periodontitis. To see results, you'd have to chew gum with a high dose of Xylitol frequently and for prolonged durations. Xylitol is a 100% natural 5 carbon sweetener. The evidence for a specific effect of xylitol as a caries-therapeutic agent is also discussed. Water floss with WELTAB twice per day. In order to be effective against bacteria the optimal intake levels are at least 6-10g of xylitol per day. Some types of gum or oral care products, such as toothpaste and mouthwash, also contain xylitol. Stimulates salivary flow . Art Solbrig's Protocol to Fight Gum Disease, Reduce Tartar, Remineralize Teeth, Fight Plaque, and Help Prevent Cavities. No clinical study has simultaneously investigated the effectiveness of … Overall, it seems relatively safe to consume chewing gum with xylitol or some from toothpaste or mouthwash, but it’s probably best to avoid consuming other xylitol products in large amounts. For this purpose, many researchers have recommended the short-term usage of xylitol in the form of chewing gum, polyols, or lozenges in orthodontic patients. Xylitol is an artificial sugar that does not get metabolized by the micro-organisms in the body. For people that are especially prone to developing tooth decay or gum disease, these chewing gums can be an effective and simple measure to fight the disease-causing micro-organisms in the mouth.